Often people fail to understand the difference between a preface and a prologue, most of the time interchanging the former with the latter. It is important to have all components of the book in place so that the story flows smoothly, especially the matter which builds up curiosity about the…
The Foreword, Preface and Introduction
There are many components that go into the making of a book, apart from the main storyline. The main body of the book is usually preceded by a few introductory sections, which introduce the subject of the book and set the tone for further reading. Most authors also like to…
The Story Behind Your Story – Effective Book Promotion and Marketing
The journey of a book starts even before it is written. No matter how touching the story is or how real the characters are. No one will pick the book off the shelf unless you (the author) speaks about its conception. That’s right. Promoting your book is equally important as…
Punctuation Matters
“The human mind is never stationary; it advances or it retrogrades.” With the dawn of internet, growing use of slangs and SMS language, we have forgotten the fundamental aspect of English language- Punctuation. The word Punctuation is derived from the Latin word punctum ( a point) meaning the right use…
Who’s In Your Village? – Authors and Acknowledgements
One of the last items on the book publishing to-do list is to create the Acknowledgement Page – the ‘Thank You’s to the team that assisted you in creating your masterpiece. Your family, friends and colleagues who supported you and encouraged you through the process. Your sources who may have…
Understanding the ISBN
An ISBN serves the same purpose for a book as your name does for you- assigning an identity. ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. This 13 digit number makes your book easily accessible in libraries and makes distribution hassle free. All you need to do is contact the ISBN…
An oxymoron is a rhetorical figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side. Writers often use oxymorons for a dramatic effect or to call attention to an apparent contradiction in the narration. They may also be used to add flavor to one’s speech or in an…
Review of “Arte da Lingoa Canarim”
Our book, Arte da Lingoa Canarim, found its way to Rome and, consequently, was reviewed in the Salesianum. It has been reproduced below for you to read. Please click on the images for a larger image.
The Cost of Self Publishing – II
One frequent question that authors ask us concerns the cost of self-publishing. It is a fair question given that the authors foot the bill themselves and that many self-publishing companies advertise packages that indeed cost a lot. We have illustrated two books below that might give you a fair idea…
An Empire for Sale
by Frederick Noronha, Publisher, Goa,1556 Goa — which teetered on the brink of collapse in the tumultuous seventeenth century — actually became a thriving cultural, religious and diplomatic hub in the eighteenth century, says a new book on the subject. ‘Globalising Goa (1660-1820)’ by historian Ernestine Carreira of the Universite…